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The Rules of The West Highland White and Scottish Terrier Club NZ Inc

These rules were adopted at the Special General Meeting of the club on the 29th August 2023


The Rules of The West Highland White and Scottish Terrier Club NZ Incorporated


1. NAME.
1.1 The name of the Club shall be: West Highland White and Scottish Terrier Club NZ Inc
1.2 Postal Address: Address of the Secretary


2.1 To encourage the breeding and exhibition of the West Highland White and Scottish Terrier breeds to the recognised standards as laid down by Dogs NZ.
2.2 To make known to the public the outstanding qualities of the breeds and to do all things deemed advisable and necessary to promote the well-being of the breeds and the interests of the members of the Club.
2.3 To hold shows, ribbon parades and other functions, to be decided upon by the committee or general meeting, in order to further the interests of the breeds and the members of the club.



  1. Membership of the Club will be granted on payment of the club annual subscription, except a person suspended or expelled from this Club or under suspension or expulsion by Dogs NZ or any other recognised Kennel Club. Membership will be granted on payment of the subscription for the nominated twelve month period 1st July to 30th June. A copy of the Club rules will be given to all new Members. The committee reserves the right to decline membership applications.

  2. Life or Honorary Membership: Life members of the Club shall be elected by majority of the Members at the Annual General Meeting. Life membership shall only be conferred upon persons who have given exceptional service to the Club and/or breed. Such Life Members shall be exempt from all subscriptions and shall have all the rights and privileges of an ordinary member.

  3. A member is not liable for the obligations of the Club by reason only of being a member.

    1. Liability is limited to :

      1. Unpaid Membership subscription.

      2. Any Liability allowed for in this Constitution/these Rules.

      3. Any liability allowed for within the law of New Zealand.

  4. Register of Members.

    1. Members grant the Club the right to keep a register of Members. This register includes name, email address, mailing address and telephone number.

    2. Members have the right at any time to make a written submission to the Club to view the information held on them by the Club.

  5. Termination of Membership.

    1.  Any member may resign from Membership by giving to the secretary notice in writing to that effect and every notice shall, unless otherwise expressed take effect as from the end of the financial year.

    2. Membership of the Club shall lapse if any membership subscription and or fee remains unpaid for 12 months.

    3. Membership may be suspended or expelled for misconduct of such a nature as to bring the Club into disrepute.

    4. Membership of the Club does not confer upon any Member any right, title, or interest, either legal or equitable, in the property of the Club.

  6. Duties of a Member:

    1. It shall be the duty of every member to promote the interests of the Club and strive for honourable dealings in all canine matters, and to report to officers of the committee any irregularities affecting the Club or its members.


The Club’s financial year shall commence on the 1st June and end on the 31st May.


Subscriptions shall be due on joining the Club and thereafter annually from the 1st June or at such time as may be deemed appropriate by resolution of the Executive Committee .

  1. The Executive Committee will determine membership fees and recommend to the Annual General Meeting. Collection of such fees to be administered, as appropriate by the Treasurer.

  2. An Annual or Special General Meeting may impose a further levy on Members upon resolution passed at such meeting which it shall consider necessary or expedient for the purpose of furthering the interests of the Club and its Members.



  1. Unless requested by a majority of Members at an AGM, no auditor shall be appointed.



  1. The management of the Club, the exercising of the powers of these Rules, and the management and control of the funds, property and business of the Club, will be vested in the Executive Committee consisting of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Committee members all of whom shall be individual financial members or honorary or life members, elected at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting.

    1. Each Committee appointment will be for one year from the date of the Annual General Meeting and each appointee shall be eligible for re-election, but executive positions must stand down after a period of three years, for a minimum of one year. Executive officers must have served a minimum of one year on the committee.

    2. Each officer and member of the Committee must be nominated by a financial member and seconded by another, in writing prior to the Annual General Meeting or in the event of unfilled positions then verbally at that meeting and each nominee must indicate willingness to act as an officer before election takes place.

  2. The Committee shall be charged with the full control and management of the affairs of the Club. The Committee shall have the power to elect Sub-Committees, Area Representatives, and to co-opt additional members. The Committee shall meet as often as they shall determine. Five Committee Members or Executives shall form a quorum. The Committee will consist of eight to ten members including executive.

  3. Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held when deemed necessary by the President and/or Secretary.

  4. The Treasurer of the Club shall be responsible for managing the bank account of the Club and any manual and/or computerised accounting system and all Internet banking. The Treasurer shall collect all Subscriptions, entry fees and all other revenues of the Club.

    1. The Treasurer shall report the Club’s financial position at each Executive Committee meeting.

    2. Make documentation available for all payments and payments approved at an Executive Committee meeting.

    3. Treasurer or designate shall present to the to the Annual General Meeting, Financial Statements for the previous financial year.

    4. The Executive Committee is to comply with the Terms and Conditions as required or as advised by the Club’s Bank.

  5. The Secretary shall ensure that a list is kept of all members with addresses and telephone numbers and email addresses where available, and as advised by members.

    1. Issue notices to members calling general or special meetings or other notices as may be required under these rules.

    2. Keep minutes of all meetings and produce minutes at such meetings as may be required.

    3. Keep a record of all members at such meetings.

    4. Carry out such correspondence as the members of such a meeting may agree.

    5. Shall be responsible for the custody of all deeds, documents and papers of the Club.



  1. The Annual General meeting shall be held no later than 90 days after the end of the financial year. This meeting may be held either electronically or physically in person.

    1. At least fourteen (14) days’ notice of the Annual General Meeting and/or Special meeting will be given by means of email notice which is deemed to have been delivered via email to the members last known address.

    2. The quorum for each annual General Meeting shall be 10 financial or honorary members of the Club.

    3. The President will chair each annual General or Special Meeting except where unavoidably absent or unable to preside. In the event of the President being unable to take the chair, the Vice President will preside at that particular meeting only. The Chairperson has the power to adjourn the meeting if required.

    4. The business to be dealt with at each General Meeting shall be:

      1. Apologies.

      2. Minutes of the previous Annual General meeting and business arising from such minutes.

      3. President’s Report.

      4. Treasurers Financial Statement and presentation of Annual accounts.

      5. Election of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Executive committee members.

      6. To decide on any resolution which may be submitted to the meeting.

      7. To set the subscriptions for the following financial year.

      8. To deal with any other business of which notice in writing has been given to the Secretary at least fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting.

      9. To deal with any other business relevant to the Club which may be brought up at the meeting.

      10. Voting at Annual General Meeting.

At each Annual General Meeting each financial or honorary membership 

(1)    is entitled to one vote on each motion, such votes to be cast in person. 

(2)    Voting will be by voice in the first instance, the President may ask for a show of hands if desired by the Meeting.

(3)    Where a close vote occurs a written and secret ballot will take place.

(4)    Every resolution will be decided by a simple majority. In the event of a tied vote the

(5)    President will have an additional casting vote.



  1. Special General Meetings will be called in exactly the same manner as the Annual General meeting (fourteen days public notice), and will be held whenever the Committee decided is necessary or desirable, or if called for by a signed petition of not less than fifteen members. All other rules of the Annual General Meeting will apply.



  1. The Rules of the Club may be altered, added to, rescinded or otherwise amended by a resolution passed by a two thirds majority of those present at a General Meeting of which fourteen (14) days’ notice has been given. 

  2. No addition to, or alteration, or recession of the rules shall be approved if it affects the non-profit aims, personal benefit clause or the winding up clause. The provisions and effect of this clause shall not be removed from this document and shall be included and implied into any replacement document.

  3. Every such notice shall set forth the purpose of the proposed alteration, addition, rescission or other amendment. 

  4. Duplicate copies of every such alteration, addition, rescission or amendment shall forthwith be signed by three Members of the Club and be delivered to the Registrar in accordance with the requirements of the Act. 



  1. Voluntarily dissolved in the manner provided by Section 24 of the Incorporated Societies Act 1908 as amended in 1971, or in the manner prescribed in subsequent Acts. 

  2. In the event of the dissolution or winding up of the Club then any surplus assets after payment of all the liabilities of the Club and the expenses of such dissolution or winding up shall be placed with the Dogs NZ to be held in Trust until they are satisfied that another Club has been formed with the same objectives as The West Highland White and Scottish Terrier Club and is worthy of receiving the same assets.

  3. Whilst Dogs NZ holds such funds they may be placed out on interest, such interest to accrue to Dogs NZ upon paying out the principal.



  1. The registered office of the Club shall be situated at the address of the secretary. Registrar to be notified.

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